reading list

Essential Building Blocks — Start Here

What is socialism? What is the history of capitalism? Perfect 101.

What are wages? What’s the relationship between worker and owner? What are capitalism’s long-term trends? Marx breaks down the basics. 

Possibly the greatest speech from socialist history’s greatest speech-maker. Clear enough for anyone to understand, powerful enough for anyone to feel moved to action. 

What is the nature of the capitalist state? How would the state be different under communism? Agree or disagree with his conclusions, but this is one of the most significant and thought-provoking analyses of state power.

Why does poverty exist? Can we build a world without poverty and hunger? Classic anarchist text. 

Imperialism and Colonialism

What is the economic basis of imperialism?

Has colonialism ended, or has it just changed forms? 

How does colonialism dehumanize colonized people? What would it mean to destroy colonialism?

What is global neoliberalism? 

Theories of Change

What strategies can bring about radical change? What strategies will cause our movement to stagnate?

How ambitious should our goals be? After the failure of the Soviet Union, is it ridiculous to continue talking about “communism”? 

What is the relationship between capitalism and climate change? What needs to be done to end climate change?

What is tenant organizing? What should housing justice look like?

Once a left-aligned movement seizes power, what happens next? How do we transition from capitalism to socialism? What obstacles stand in our way?

The Functioning and Reproduction of Capitalism

What is the relationship between coronavirus and capitalism? How does public health factor into capitalism?

What role do our institutions play in shaping our beliefs? What role does capitalism play in shaping our education system?

What was the Paris Commune? Why did it fail? What does that tell us about capitalist state power; what can we learn from this tragic, short-lived achievement?

How did the fascists come to power in Italy? Why do socialists need to combat reactionary attitudes in their own struggles?

What is the relationship between radical politics and conspiracy theories? Can we be paranoid about the powers arrayed against us without devolving to the level of the Flat Earthers?

Why do economic crises happen? Was Marx correct about the tendency of the rate of profit to fall? In other words, does Line Go Down?

What is emotional labor? How does capitalism control our emotions?

Social Oppression and Economic Exploitation

What is intersectionality? What is the relationship between racism, misogyny, homophobia, and capitalism?

What is the true purpose of our carceral system? Does it keep us safe, or is a better system possible?

What power dynamics are we dealing with, at home and abroad? Why did the Black Panthers think Marx was useful for their situation? What does black power look like in a capitalist, imperialist world? 

What is the history of black revolutionary theory in America? What is the relationship between the black proletariat and the white proletariat? 

What was the relationship between slavery and capitalism? What is the relationship between racism and capitalism? 

What is the situation of LGBT people living under capitalism? What would LGBT liberation look like?

What is the position of women under capitalism? What would revolutionary feminism look like?

Is housework labor? What does housework have to do with women’s liberation?

How has the ideology of capitalism affected our personal relationships? What expectations do capitalist social relations place on women?

Though a work of fiction, Leslie Feinberg wrote this from hir perspective as a white, working class, trans lesbian and revolutionary communist, and it still stands as a groundbreaking text about the complexities of gender. Ze wrote the novel “as a working-class organizer mimeographs a leaflet—a call to action.” Content warning for scenes of extreme violence and sexual assault (exact page number CWs coming soon). 

A series of 120 short-medium length articles on LGBTQ+ history and its connections to socialist history, originally published in the Worker’s World newspaper from 2004-2008. PDF begins with a list of all entries so you can read what interests you. Entries 86-110 are also isolated (& edited) as their own collection, Rainbow Solidarity in Defense of Cuba (found here).